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William Shakespeare's Brexit [electronic resource] : A Political Sh*tstorm in Five Acts

Starling, Boris2019
All Brexit's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. . . Written by the Bard himself, with a little help from novelist Boris Starling, this wonderful comedy of errors retells the tragic story of the UK's acrimonious break from the EU, written in wonderful iambic pentameter. From Cameron and Osborne, through May and Gove, to Cummings and Boris, this is a story of cynical electioneering and poisoned political scheming, and a most original take on the defining event of our time. Featuring as hammy a cast of characters as ever graced The Globe, this is the perfect satire for anyone interested in politics, humour, or even a little bit of Am-dram.'To leave or not to leave, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrag'd Remainers,Or to take arms against a sea of Leavers,And by opposing end them? To leave, to stay,No more; and by leaving to say we endThe EU, and the thousand petty rulesThat we adhere to, - 'tis a consummationDevoutly to be wish'd. To stay, to leave; To stay, perchance to leave: ay, there's the rub;For in that move to leave what dreams may come,When we have shuffl'd off this Brussels yoke...'BORIS JOHNSON
[Place of publication not identified] : 535, 2019
1 online resource (1 audio file)
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